Feast Your Eyes Upon These Rare Treasures

ILLI$T is a project that seeks to preserve and protect the value of family heirlooms by creating digital versions of them, minted on Maxximillian's sovereign smart contract ($ILLI) on the Ethereum blockchain,

Feast Your Eyes Upon These Rare Treasures
Photo by Edward Howell / Unsplash

The Helmet of Mherit

Passed down through generations to commemorate life events, lost loved ones, private and public victories, social messages and benedictions, Maxximillian's Antiquities and Heirlooms are timeless XR mementos whose complete ciphers must remain clandestine to all but Heiresses, Heirs, Makers, and Benefactors. The stories of the individual pieces are shared in detail as much as possible with the exception of a few details which must remain among the ILLI$T. Feelings of resonance as you gaze upon the heirlooms is an auspicious frequency reaching through dimensions to adorn you. Rejoin your legend today.

MAXXIMILLIAN'S ILLI$T Helmet of MHERIT NFT, headed for blockchain gamification, is listed on Looks Rare—that's a screenshot of the LooksRare NFT auction page above.

Peruse the Properties to learn about the composition of the metals, and origins of the materials. Which resonate with you?

ILLI$T is a project that seeks to preserve and protect the value of family heirlooms by creating digital versions of them, minted on Maxximillian's sovereign smart contract ($ILLI) on the Ethereum blockchain, that can be transferred to your heirs now in an iconic art form designed to endure generations.

Combining elements of storytelling, fine jewelry design and cutting-edge digital technologies with blockchain viability and the limitless creativity possible with augmented reality (AR). MAXXIMILLIAN'S ILLI$T Phygital NFT heirlooms are XR—encapsulating Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Mixed Reality (MR)—with real-world utility, including the heirloom itself in the physical for select designs.

For a limited time, MAXXIMILLAIN'S ILLI$T Showroom is open 24/7. Wondering what to expect in Maxximillian's Metaverse Showroom? Watch the video below. And then go there yourself! Don't let this fun once-in-a-while opportunity pass you by, grab it!